June 29, 2022
If your security system is more than a few years old, you need to ask yourself some questions. Can you see what you need to see? Are there enough monitors? While there are many questions, you should keep in mind with regular maintenance, who do you call when there are concerns? Diego's Locksmith can help with your security system questions, updates, and repairs.
Security systems are there for a reason. They protect your home and business from intruders, theft, and other unwanted events. However, they can become less effective or broken altogether without regular maintenance.
Does your security system include footage from any cameras you might have installed?
Can you view footage from your personal computer, smartphone, or tablet? If the answer is no, you're at risk.
Do you regularly back up your data? Do you archive it often or simply view the last month or two of footage?
Can you tell if someone had entered one of your buildings, yard, or equipment?
Is it easy to find critical minutes or hours of footage if something goes missing, breaks, or is stolen?
Regularly check the condition of your yard and landscaping. If there are any changes in the landscape, they could interfere with your system's ability to function as intended. For example, trees close to power lines can cause problems for your system's cameras or motion sensors.
Checking the interior of your home is also essential because this is where most burglaries occur. Check all doors and windows for signs of forced entry or tampering. Ensure that all entryways into your home have adequate lighting. Also, ensure to sweep away any leaves or debris from around doors and windows so that they do not block views from inside or outside the house when someone tries to access these areas.
It is also essential to regularly check clarity levels on all cameras to ensure that no one can hide from being seen on camera by moving around in front of them too quickly for the motion to be detected. Also, images should be crisp and clear. If they are blurry, it is time to upgrade your monitor, app, or system. Diego's Locksmith can help you determine what is causing the blurry images.
Your cameras should cover more than just the building entry point itself; they should also include the yard and any equipment that might be outside. This way, if someone tries to break into your property or steal something from within, they can't get away with it without being detected by your cameras first!
Monitoring systems have come a long way since they first started being used. There was a time when all they were doing was keeping track of who came in and out of your home. They can also monitor other things, such as fire alarms and motion detectors, making them much more helpful in helping protect your home. But if your monitor isn't working correctly or if there isn't enough of them in place, you may not be able to detect any problems until they become critical.
Is there any remote monitoring available via apps? If so, ensure the apps work properly. If you have an emergency where you need help immediately, having access through an app could save the day!
The first thing to do is look around the house and see if anything has changed since the last time you had the security system serviced. This includes any landscaping or other changes to the property, as well as any new appliances or furniture that might have been added since then. If so, these items could potentially interfere with how your system operates — for example, if you've moved new furniture into a room where there was none before, sensors might not be able to detect movement in that area anymore. So if any significant changes have happened since your last inspection, it's essential to bring them up during this visit so they can be accounted for during the service call.
If someone has previously tried to tamper with your alarm system, they will likely try again in the future. It's therefore essential to ensure that nothing has been damaged and all wiring is still intact and up to date. If there's any damage or tampering, then it can be easily fixed before criminals have time to take advantage of it and disable your alarm system altogether!
If your home has been around for a while, there may be some wiring issues that need to be addressed. This could include anything from faulty wiring to outdated systems that are no longer effective in keeping your home safe. You may also want to update specific components like door locks or windows, making them more secure and harder for intruders to break through.